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piątek, marca 18, 2005

International Paper to be delivered in Warsaw, Poland - "Has Europe lost its Heart" (and sold its Soul)?

International Paper to be delivered in Warsaw, Poland - "Has Europe lost its Heart" (and sold its Soul)?

News Poland
In from EurActive.com:

This paper, by Charles Wyplosz, has been prepared for the international conference entitled "Europe after the enlargement", to be hosted by the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw on 8-9 April.

Highlights from the paper:

Once upon a time Europe was a small group of like-minded countries determined to integrate themselves politically and economically tightly enough to eliminate forever the specter of war...Not only is war all but ruled out, but economic and political integration has deepened to a degree that the most Euro-enthusiasts never dreamt of. More amazing even is how the project has spread. Nearly the entire continent is now part of the Union, and Turkey might even join by the end of the decade. Two hundred million people share the same currency and enjoy borderless travel.

But success has had its price. Twenty-five countries do not cooperate as six used to. Each enlargement inevitably gives the impression that the undertaking is being diluted, and perceived dilution means more weight to national interests and less willingness to take the next integrative step. Or so it seems. This paper argues that this perception is misguided.

For original post, click here

For entire paper (in pdf format) -- go to Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)

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