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sobota, października 22, 2005

PolBlogcast: Poland and Corruption (Interview)

PolBlogcast: Poland and Corruption (Interview)

Another PolBlogcast

In this latest PolBlogcast we interview the Chairwoman of Transparency International Poland (Polish site) – Malgorzata Brennek.

We were prompted to do this PolBlogcast as a result of a few things. Not only did the recent Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2005 results come out, but a few bloggers in Poland have been reporting and discussing the results. For example, Warsaw Station announced the news with the headline "We're Number One!" It's not even disappointment, but a tone of disgust and resignation that quite a few English language bloggers in Poland are sounding.

According to the Report, Poland ranked last among EU states in the Global Corruption Perception Index, with Finland at the top, squeaky clean. This is a crucial indicator for many global investors because as an 18th century British philosopher once said (to paraphrase): "Perception is reality." And so the perception of Poland as corrupt doesn't do much for its image. Furthermore, as our colleague at the Beatroot reports, there may just be a link between cheating in school and dubious behavior in politics (an area rife with corruption).

In our interview, Ms. Brennek spoke about the Legal Aid Program at the Polish office. And she also announced the launch of a corruption forum on the Polish site. The Forum is only in Polish right now, but we posted a request on the site for just a single thread in English, we'll see. Ms. Brennek also provided a concise definition of corruption itself (How do you define it?). Additionally, she wondered how much the current Polish Presidential candidates are committed to fighting corruption, much of it reportedly in government itself.

As always, we invite your comments, and proudly announce our new (and improved) Blog Forum. We hope it will be easier and more interesting to use and participate.

PolBlogcast: Poland and Corruption
(Interview - 9 min)

Links mentioned in this PolBlogcast:

1) Get your daily dose of world corruption news

2) CORISweb is Transparency International's (TI) Corruption Online Research and Information System, a portal, which provides all those with an interest in anti-corruption and governance issues with easy access to high quality, processed information.

3) Transparency International

4) the Beatroot

5) Warsaw Station

6) Global Corruption Perception Index 2005

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FAIR USE NOTICE This article contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in the efforts to advance understanding of Poland's economic, environmental, human rights, political, scientific, and social justice issues, among others. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this article is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes.

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