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środa, października 19, 2005

Where is it? The answer!

Where is it? The answer!

Who, What, Where ...and why!?!

Last time we asked you where in Warsaw was this photo taken.

It seems that we should've given you more clues... After all our fair city is littered with solemn faced heroes of recent - or not so recent - date.

If the features are not enough...

...maybe the silhouette will look more familiar?
Or does it?

No, it's not a statue erected to commemorate all those anonymous commuters that didn't catch their bus on time.

It's a monument dedicated to Kosciuszko Infantry Division - a Polish Army force formed in USSR, that fought alongside Red Army against Hitler in order to liberate their country - only to be ordered to stop at riverbank and watch the Warsaw Uprising being squashed at the other side.

The monument, designed by Andrzej Kasten, was erected in 1985.

Google Earth view.

And WHERE exactly is it? Between Wybrzeże Helskie and Okrzei str.
The RIGHT side of the river, of course.

Maporama.com - Warszawa

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