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niedziela, lutego 18, 2007

Polish Bards Unpoetic To Google

Polish Bards Unpoetic To Google

A group of Polish poets is standing firm against Google in a domain name dispute.

Google has launched legal action against a group of Polish poets, demanding that they give up their Internet domain name gmail.pl, a member of the cultural collective said.

Izabela Krawczyk of GMAiL -- the "Grupa Mlodych Artystow i Literatow," or Group of Young Artists and Writers -- told AFP that Google had turned to the country's IT and telecommunications tribunal to try to stop them using the Web site address www.gmail.pl.

There is quite an extended debate on Gazeta's forum site [PL] - with some subject headings like "Go to hell Google."

Are these poets in over their metaphorical heads?

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