Gdzie to jest? / Where is it?
Gdzie to jest? / Where is it?
Also congratulations to Aleksandra & Ivana, who named the objects portrayed: "Gruba Kaska" & the "Blue Skyscraper" building
The top of "Gruba Kaska" and the wall of the Blue Skyscraper in the background
Taken at Plac Bankowy, towards Solidarności ave. (at the tram stop)
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The first correct one will be displayed as a caption, together with author's e-name: glory to the winner! Please include the country/city/district you are writing from....
You have one week.
The photo in the second edition of our contest was a close-up of Kolumna Zygmunta (Plac Zamkowy, Old Town).
BEFORE: King Sigi on his perch, identified correctly by aawil
AFTER: Look familiar now?
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Na Placu Bankowym, ze strony Aleji Solidarności (tam gdzie są przystanki komunikacji miejskiej).
It's called Gruba Kaska... Al. Solidarnosci
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