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piątek, lutego 22, 2008



Tens of thousands of American citizens live in Poland. If trends hold true, about 40% of them are Republicans. We Republicans are watching what will be a likely seminal election in our history. Assuming that the trend continues, we will be facing a stark choice in the November election:

- the most liberal United States Senator with a record of doing virtually nothing but voting to the Left vs. the Maverick Republican who espouses conservative values on defense, spending, and social issues, but occasionally has ventured across the aisle to lead other issues on a bipartisan basis;

- Amorphous rhetoric about "change" and "hope" that masks the most Liberal agenda and proposed expansion of taxes and federal spending since FDR;

- A Senator in the pocket of the special interests in his party (Obama) vs. a Senator who has made headlines by defying special interests from every direction;

- A candidate who was in the Illinois State Legislature four years ago and has led an undistinguished and very brief term in the U.S. Senate vs. one of the leading independent voices in the Senate;

- A candidate for Commander-in-Chief who would cut and run vs. one who will finish the job and keep terrorists on the run throughout the world;

- A candidate with no experience or vision who will be tested by our enemies vs. one who sends fear into their souls;

- A candidate who supports the erosion of our national identity in every sense of the word vs. an American hero;

- A candidate whose wife was never proud of America until her husband won some primaries vs. a candidate who was tortured by our enemies because he stood for America;

The list goes on and on. The election is too important to sit out. And it is easy to get an absentee ballot from the last place where you resided and voted in the U.S. For help in casting your vote, contact randymott AT ekotechnology.com.

If you would like to help out with Republicans in Poland, contact me as well. We are planning some functions and get-togethers surrounding the convention and the election.

Randy Mott

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