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poniedziałek, czerwca 27, 2005

PolBloglet: Cow Parade in Warsaw

PolBloglet: Cow Parade in Warsaw

News Poland

Another PolBloglet

C-r-a-w-l-i-n-g across Warsaw this afternoon on the tram (melting in the heat) I noticed about 4 cow sculptures strung along the center. They were painted different colors - one was in front of McDonald's another was near London Steak House, and two were actually welded on top of bus stop shelters (a bizarre one was in front of the train station). So, I did some googling and found the web page here. This project is touring the world and intended to generate interest in public art, like our (in)famous Palm has in Wa-wa. What's next? A 'patty' toss across the Rotunda?

Source: CowParade Warsaw Warsaw - The Official Site

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