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czwartek, czerwca 30, 2005

PolBloglet: The End of Print Media in Poland?

PolBloglet: The End of Print Media in Poland?

News Poland

Another PolBloglet

Newsweek Polska decided to put to a test the theory claiming that blogging will be replacing traditional journalism, as a more authentic and independent form of publication, easily - and freely - accesible to an ever growing community of e-readers, who less and less often reach for the printed page. Following in the footsteps of many renowned journalists representing all the most influential titles in the world, six of Polish Newsweek columnists have begun this week to write their own blogs, accesible from the magazine's internet site.

We are to see, whether internauts are indeed more attracted to that form of "press release."

source: Newsweek Polska

PolBlog - News Poland 24/7
Poland's first (almost) daily English-language news blog.
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At 1.7.05, Blogger ~JS said...

Interesting. I don't think the premise is right though. why is it an either/or? and even though many journalists read bloigs how many actually trust them...we still need investigative reporting -- someone to hit the pavement and be on location...not just people crossposting and analyzing second hand stuff. this is a recipe for total self-referentiality...a cul de sac...


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