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środa, kwietnia 13, 2005

Speaking "Im Geheimnis" - Poland and Germany

Speaking "Im Geheimnis" - Poland and Germany

News Poland
In from Radio Polonia:

German government [is holding] secret talks with Polish government concerning Polish workers arriving in Germany...German labour market is closed to citizens of the new EU states until 2011 but they may open their companies there.

For more Secret Polish-German Talks?

Link to German Site (in German)

According to the story, tens of thousands of Germans have lost their jobs to enterprising Poles in the last few months. In an ironic twist, while Poles cannot be employed in Germany, they can open businesses there -- the idea being that this would create more jobs for German citizens. But actually, Poles are starting one-person businesses, so you see thousands of people simply displacing Germans who had so called 'mom and pop' (Mutter und Vater) shops with their own at much lower prices for consumers. So who is the winner here? Well, the old adage that consumers "vote with their pocketbooks" seems apropos. So, if Polish enterprises offer lower prices and good service, then Germans will go there -- and in fact they must be. The problem could be that Poles have an unfair advantage because they may actually live in Poland and can therefore lower prices since it's cheaper to live in Poland than in Germany. But then the reverse is true too, Germans who set-up companies in Poland have more spending power than native Polish companies.

FAIR USE NOTICE This article contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in the efforts to advance understanding of Poland's economic, environmental, human rights, political, scientific, and social justice issues, among others. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this article is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes.

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